Monday, October 27, 2008

Patterns certainly seem to be ever-present in my life (and that of others).

Maybe you don't believe me.

Maybe you think it doesn't happen to you. To you coincidences are just chance, perhaps.

I say to that, "Balderdash!"

"No way, Jose!"


These 'coincidences' are the universe's way of trying to help you, to teach you and guide you on breaking those old nasty patterns and inturn learning more about who you truly are.

And by old nasties I mean all those psychological and physical things your parents (and others) have done to you (and may still be doing to you).

It is fascinating how the universe sees what you need to learn and places it right under your nose. Sometimes quite literally.

I have acknowledged my 'coincidences' as learning experiences and have learned and continue to learn many things from them.

I am now also in the process of teaching someone else how to learn from their coincidences.

There is no more noble job than helping another soul feel more comfortable and safe in their own skin.

That's really what all those recurring patterns are trying to teach you.

The ultimate goal in this world is to unlearn all the damaging, negative and controlling things your parents (and others) taught you.

Your parents (and others) may have meant well or they may have not. They may have been doing their best or they may have been using you. No matter what their reasons they do not define who you are.

Only you can know who you truly are!

I encourage you to notice coincidences, learn from them and embrace them as tools that bring you closer to yourself.

Good luck and keep passing the open windows.

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