Thursday, October 30, 2008

I think my last post sounded preachy--sorry about that!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Patterns certainly seem to be ever-present in my life (and that of others).

Maybe you don't believe me.

Maybe you think it doesn't happen to you. To you coincidences are just chance, perhaps.

I say to that, "Balderdash!"

"No way, Jose!"


These 'coincidences' are the universe's way of trying to help you, to teach you and guide you on breaking those old nasty patterns and inturn learning more about who you truly are.

And by old nasties I mean all those psychological and physical things your parents (and others) have done to you (and may still be doing to you).

It is fascinating how the universe sees what you need to learn and places it right under your nose. Sometimes quite literally.

I have acknowledged my 'coincidences' as learning experiences and have learned and continue to learn many things from them.

I am now also in the process of teaching someone else how to learn from their coincidences.

There is no more noble job than helping another soul feel more comfortable and safe in their own skin.

That's really what all those recurring patterns are trying to teach you.

The ultimate goal in this world is to unlearn all the damaging, negative and controlling things your parents (and others) taught you.

Your parents (and others) may have meant well or they may have not. They may have been doing their best or they may have been using you. No matter what their reasons they do not define who you are.

Only you can know who you truly are!

I encourage you to notice coincidences, learn from them and embrace them as tools that bring you closer to yourself.

Good luck and keep passing the open windows.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Since I didn't make a turkey this year because hockey pools just seemed to keep getting in the way (French Canadians are crazy for hockey), I have decided to post one instead.

I hope you all enjoy it in a virtual sort of way!

A bientot.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

New job on the horizon

Yep, it's true. A new job is about to land in my lap. Oh, how sweet that is!

I'm gonna keep flogging myself with Canadian publishers and beyond, but this work is for one right here in beautiful Montreal, so it's all good.

How to make that target every month? That target income I mean.

Well, you know, I decided to stop wondering how and just, well, do it.

I can't believe it's really any more complicated than that. No, I really don't believe it is.

I'm thinking of letting go of my idea of writing for magazines however. After I realized More has sold out and gone cheerleader on us all, well, I can't find any intelligent women's magazines that I like.

I find it a bit depressing actually that all women want to read is how-to articles, testimonials of other 'cougars' like them and health issues that make you wanna cry.

Maybe I'll get over it, but then again maybe I won't.

It could be a sign sayin' "It ain't for you, kid."

Yep, that really could be it.

Anyway, have a great Thanksgiving weekend all! Until next time.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Jobs, jobs, jobs...

It's about time I wrote for you all again!

What have I been up to? Well, I've been writing queries, contacting Canadian publishers, writing pieces for various papers trying to get published and searching for media jobs. Sound familiar? Is this what your life is like too? Endless self-promotion and job searching with paying jobs mixed in for reinforcement? Good, I'm not alone then.

Of course that's not how I spend my off time. Then I write in my journal. Wow, does it ever stop? Yes, when I watch movies, go out for dinner and drinks, spend time with my son, spend time with my boyfriend and clean, do laundry and veg.

Fall is rapidly approaching and it's pretty darn nippy today. I'm going to walk my doggie tonight and he will love it--he's a cool weather pooch!

It's so much easier to hunker down and work when it's cool and damp outside. I could barely wrap my head around work this summer (and falling in love with my boyfriend had absolutely nothing to do with my lack of focus, honest).

Now, the focus has come back because the kids are back in school and all is routine once more (and the love is solid and deep so focusing is easier).

I will keep you updated on my job-search progress. It's exciting and you never know where the next job will pop up from. That's the fun of it for me.

Have a great one all! Write you soon.