Monday, May 5, 2008

The Voice

Good morning one and all!

My voice this coming month will be shared between my online query writing course and work I am doing for a software company (among other things that may arrive on my desk unplanned). I do have clients that just arrive and have an urgent job for me, so I just never know.

I am really looking forward to my query writing course. I have sent off a few queries and almost got an assignment. I've had very positive feedback so I know I'm on the right track. I figure getting some pointers from a writer that has published many articles in magazines is a great way to learn some new skills.

The work I am doing for the software company is exciting as well. I really love writing high tech collateral (I slipped that word in there for you J-M). It's material I can really sink my teeth into and, as I have said before, devoid of emotion. Perfect. Why? Because writing queries is not emotionless in the least. So I will be able to strike a very nice balance!

I must say though that writing high tech materials involves using a lot of active verbs and short, very well-organized sentences so even though it isn't emotional it's pretty fast-paced on purpose (to hold the often reluctant readers).

So this month is shaping up to be a wonderful learning experience and a high tech extravaganza!

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